Creator of Star Trek fan film Axanar, Alex Peters, announced on Friday he and his team have reached a settlement with Paramount and CBS. This news comes just a little over a year after the production giants filed the copyright lawsuit against the crowdfunded project. As previously Axanar raised over $1 million through Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns and is described as a feature film, but was broken down into four episodes following the four acts of the script. California-based Axanar Productions explained:
“Axanar is the first independent Star Trek film. While some may call it a ‘fan film’ as we are not licensed by CBS, Axanar has professionals working in front and behind the camera. A fully professional crew, many of whom have worked on Star Trek itself ensure Axanar will be the quality of Star Trek that all fans want to see. But Axanar is not just an independent Star Trek film; it is the beginning of a whole new way that fans can get the content they want, by funding it themselves. Why dump hundreds or thousands of dollars a year on 400 cable channels, when what you really want is a few good sci-fi shows? Hollywood is changing. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and other providers are redefining content delivery, and Axanar Productions/Ares Studios hopes to be part of that movement.”
A joint statement revealed:
“Paramount Pictures Corporation, CBS Studios Inc., Axanar Productions, Inc. and Alec Peters are pleased to announce that the litigation regarding Axanar’s film Prelude to Axanar and its proposed film Axanar has been resolved. Axanar and [writer Alex] Peters acknowledge that both films were not approved by Paramount or CBS, and that both works crossed boundaries acceptable to CBS and Paramount relating to copyright law.”
Peters also shared details about the lawsuit’s settlement:
“The Axanar fan film WILL be permitted to use Gary Graham as Soval! (Wow.) It will ALSO be allowed to use the other professional actors who appeared in Prelude to Axanar (J.G. Hertzler, Richard Hatch, and Kate Vernon…Tony Todd has previously announced he would not remain with the production). The new Axanar fan film will have to adhere to all the other guidelines, including being limited to only two 15-minute parts of a single story, not having “Star Trek” in the title, etc. No professionals can be compensated for their work on the production.”
He then noted that public crowdfunding campaigns will not be permitted, but private donations can be accepted. He said it would be donated. He and Axanar Productions will be allowed to create OTHER Star Trek fan films in the future beyond the Axanar sequel. To see the full text announcement, click here.
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