Creator of Star Trek fan film Axanar, Alex Peters, announced on Friday he and his team have reached a settlement with Paramount and CBS. This news comes just a little over a year after the production giants filed the copyright lawsuit against the crowdfunded project. As previously Axanar raised over $1… Read More
One year after Paramount and CBS filed a copyright infringement lawsuits against Star Trek fan film, Axanar, the studios are now heading to court to present their case against the Indiegogo and Kickstarter-funded project. Axanar raised over $1 million through Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns and is described… Read More
Just six months after Paramount and CBS announced they have filed a lawsuit against Star Trek:Axanar for copyright infringement, creators of the crowdfunding success have unleashed the film’s first two trailers. The film has raised over $1 million through Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns. Although it is considered a feature film,… Read More
Late last year, Paramount and CBS announced they have filed a lawsuit against independent Star Trek film, Axanar. The film has raised over $1 million through Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns. The production was considered a feature film, but was to be broken down into four episodes following the four acts of the script. Paramount and… Read More
And the legal woes just keep on coming for crowdfunding success Axanar. Back in December 2015, film giants Paramount and CBS slapped the project with an infringement lawsuit. The companies have viewed the film as a violation of their intellectual property and filed a lawsuit in California… Read More
Last week, Paramount and CBS announced they have filed a lawsuit against independent Star Trek film, Axanar. The film has raised over $1 million through Indiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns. It is feature film, but will be broken down into four episodes following the four acts of the script. California-based Axanar Productions previously… Read More
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