Following a series of unexpected delays, Blank Media Games, the creators of the Kickstarter-funded card game, Town of Salem, announced it will be shipping the highly anticipated card game to U.S. backers in two weeks.
Town of Salem is described as a game of murder, mayhem, and Deception pitting players against each other to find out who is the most cunning. Each player engage in a battle of wits until one side remains and is given a random role and uses their ability to investigate, kill, or protect other players.
During its crowdfunding round, the game secured $389,005 from 9,551 backers. Originally set to ship in November 2016, the creators struggled to with product issues, which caused deliver delays. Last week, the Blank Media Games team stated:
“As some background, this our very first physical product. Also, the Kickstarter blew away our estimates with over 10,000 backers and about 15,000 games ordered. That’s a ton!! Due to the volume, we had to readjust our strategy. Manufacturing took longer than expect due to how many units were ordered, but sadly that is a fixed time and there was nothing we could do to make that go faster. Our big failure was giving out shipping dates too far in advance. While we wanted to get the units out to our backers before Christmas, this is also the busiest time of the year for shipping. The boats from our manufacturer were delayed and Amazon would not accept shipments until the new year. Again, the only thing we could have done would have been to get the manufacturing done faster to avoid the holiday season, which was impossible.”
The crew also explained that they were using Amazon is a “humongous company” and they believed there would be no issues with their order, it seemed that nothing was going their way. They noted that were waiting on an update from Amazon about when the game was expected to ship the games. Luckily, earlier this week, the team announced they finally received a response from Amazon about the situation and revealed:
“After all this time of emailing, calling, and messaging Amazon anyway we could think of we finally got some answers back from someone who could help us. The person we talked to reported the issue and Amazon has started an investigation into what caused the delays of the game, and Amazon took full responsibility for these delays. They are now sending out the games to other fulfillment centers around the US to break the order up to make it easier for them to fulfill. All of the US backers should be getting a tracking number in about 2 weeks.”
In regards to Canadian backers, the crew stated they will be updating the backers soon as to when the games will ship up north.
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