On Monday, New Zealand’s crowdfunding platform PledgeMe announced it was dedicating the month of May to lending related goodness. While sharing details about the initiative, the PledgeMe team stated that throughout the month they will be connecting with Kiwis who are interested and curious about crowdlending.
As part of the program, the PledgeMe crew will be doing the following:
- Explaining what it means in a super straight forward way; borrowing money doesn’t need to be as complicated as it’s been made out to be. We’ll compare traditional forms of debt to crowdfunded loans and we’ll also talk about the wider peer-to-peer space.
- Create case studies on how it has worked in the past.
- Hosting a webinar to answer questions real time, and then blog about it.
- Speaking at other people’s events and host their own.
- Writing a weekly blog series showcasing how crowdlending can work for various company organizations
- Creating a podcast series
- Putting together a mini-documentary on the company behind “the bubble”
It was also revealed:
“Crowdlending is pretty simple. It’s going out to your crowd for funding and paying them back over time, on your terms. You’re in control. You choose the amount of your loan, the interest rate that you’ll offer to your crowd, the timeframe of your loan, whether or not you want to secure your loan and the additional rewards you’d like to offer to your crowd. It’s a transparent process, and on our platform, PledgeMe.Lend, we focus on loans for organisations and companies (rather than for individual people).”
PledgeMe then added:
“We’ve so far helped two companies borrow from their crowds – Eat My Lunch and Denheath Desserts, who’ve collectively raised $1.2 million from their supporters – but we want to help more companies, not-for-profits, sports clubs and schools.”