On Tuesday, equity crowdfunding platform Crowdcube announced in July it released an update to the iOS app that allows users to create investor discussions, view updates, and interact with other Crowdcube users through commenting. The funding portal revealed its team has been working to improve the experience of these features.
“Entrepreneur accounts are now visually highlighted. When you’re reading through a discussion or update, you can clearly see which replies are coming from the entrepreneur (who owns the pitch) and when they are from Crowdcube members. You can now subscribe to investor discussions that you’re interested in. You will be notified via email when someone replies to a thread that you have subscribed to, in order to keep up to date with the conversation as it develops. You can also unsubscribe from a discussion at any time to stop receiving notifications, if you wish. “
Crowdcube went on to add that it is planning to release push notifications that will allow users to know each time a pitch they’ve been following posts an update or someone replies to comments that the user is participating in or following.