Richard Branson’s Extreme Tech Challenge Extends Deadline to August 31st

If you were thinking about applying to compete in Richard Branson’s Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC) and have not yet applied you have some good news. The deadline has been extended until August 31st.

The Extreme Tech Challenge is a celebration of entrepreneurship and competition – thus everything that drives innovation and economic prosperity. So all good.  XTC organizers say the number of applications has been “unprecedented” and thus they want to be able to invite even more companies to fly to the Caribbean and hang out with Sir Richard.

Previous installments of XTC have showcased innovations from the genomics, robotics, health and wellness, transportation, virtual reality and, yes, finance. The objective is to ultimately open a global platform for these groundbreaking industries to enter the public realm.

Following the close of applications, XTC 2018 will take place across four key events, beginning in San Francisco and ending with the Finals on Necker Island early next year.

So if you have a cool early stage company, sharpen those pencils and put your name in the hat. You may find yourself on Necker Island…

The XTC 2018 Timeline is (now) as follows:

• Application Window Closes August 31st – 9pm PT

• Stage I – October 11, 2017 – Top 25 Unveiling: A rigorous judging process from the get-go, the pool of applicants is narrowed down to the Top 25 startups, unveiled at CTA Innovate! and Celebrate with a celebration in San Francisco.

• Stage II – November 9, 2017 – Top 10 Unveiling at CES Unveiled NYC: Two months ahead of CES 2017 only 10 Semi-Finalists will be selected from the Top 25 XTC challengers. In addition to unveiling the Semi-Finalists, the annual event showcases the future of tech before the new year.

• Stage III – January 11, 2018 – XTC Semi-Finals at CES: Extreme Tech Challenge returns to CES Las Vegas for the semi-finals in 2018. This stage of the contest will see the chosen Top 10 pitch their tech live on-stage in hope of being one of three companies selected to move onto Necker Island.

• Stage IV – February 2018 – XTC Finals on Necker Island: Top 3 Finalists present to a panel of all-star judges, spearheaded by Branson.

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