Video Game Studio Springloaded Seeks $50,000 on Fig For New Game “Obelus”

Earlier this week, video game studio Springloaded launched a crowdfunding campaign on Fig. The company is currently seeking $50,000 for its new arcade combat video game Obelus. The game’s description reads:

“In Obelus you’ll play as Dave, an insurance salesman cruising the galaxy with his corporate-approved mech AI, selling insurance to the last uninsured members of humanity. Encountering strange creatures as you visit the furthest reaches of space, you’ll enjoy rewarding combat mechanics that combine meaningful strategic choices with fast-paced hardcore twin-stick action in this intense arcade combat sidescroller. With carefully crafted pixel art and a soundtrack inspired by Blade Runner and the works of John Carpenter, you’ll become rooted in the feeling of solitude while the splendor of the universe engulfs your screen.”

Springloaded also noted that Obelus is best described as a tactical twin-stick shooter. Players have multiple weapons at their disposal, and they have to manage their mech on the fly while swapping between different configurations that include speed, defense or power. The modes are the following:

  • Speed config: The mech can move quickly. This is the default config for exploring a vast world.
  • Defense config: The mech armors up, but firepower and movement speed lowers.
  • Power config: Trades speed for power. Movement speed is almost zero but the cannons are unlocked.
  • Damaged: The mech is heavily damaged and shuts down temporarily for emergency auto- repairs.

In regards to why he and his team chose Fig for the campaign, seasoned developer James Barnard, added:

“I started Springloaded to create games that could connect with people emotionally and inspire them to think about concepts and principles beyond the scope of the experiences we make. However, various factors such as reliance on predictable revenue sources along with expenses like salaries and office space have led to our studio having to become slightly risk averse. Obelus is a passion project that I strongly believe in, and represents the kind of game that I have wanted to make since I started in this industry almost 20 years ago. In order for us to ensure that this game won’t result in unpaid bills, we decided to turn to Fig to help share the burden and expand our capacity to invest time into the game. Without support from backers and investors, the game will most probably remain just as an idea.”

The campaign is set to close on December 7th.

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