Cyber 2 Automotive Security (c2a), an OurCrowd Labs/02 incubator company, has announced that its patented Stamper technology, which protects the connected car from cyber threats, is now available to auto manufacturers and suppliers worldwide on a royalty free license basis.
The announcement comes just as the US Homeland Security is warning automobile makers about the risk of being hacked as cars become connected to the internet.
Michael Dick, CEO of c2a Security said that upcoming compliance requirements will drive the development of innovative frameworks that support the early identification, mitigation, and management of risks.
“We are happy to contribute to the safety of drivers and passengers worldwide.”
Cyber-attacks are becoming more prevalent and platforms have been slow to address looming issues and weaknesses as the Internet of Things becomes pervasive. Recently the world has dealt with chip level attacks such as Spectre and Meltdown affecting processors worldwide. c2a has developed a safety and security layer for the next generation of connected vehicles to protect all of the hundreds of semiconductor chips and processors in the car.
Moshe Raines, Managing Partner at Labs/02, c2a’s lead investor commented;
“The automotive industry now realizes the critical need for cyber protection. Bringing this critical functionality to car manufacturers around the world on a royalty free basis will make all cars much safer from cyber hackers.”
c2a is endorsed by the Israel Innovation Authority as a cybersecurity company.
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