Telegram announced on Tuesday that despite the rumors it is not planning to integrate its message app with its cryptocurrency token wallet. The platform noted that until now it has not addressed any rumors in the past while its team was working on building the TON Blockchain platform and working out details of the project in order to ensure that TON Blockchain and Grams are able to operate in a way that is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. Telegram has decided to clear the air of the rumors by clarifying certain aspects of the TON Blockchain and Grams as the team continues to prepare for the project’s launch.
- No one is able to buy or sell grams yet: Telegram noted that certain websites appear to be offering Grams to the public. These websites sometimes refer to the offers as “token presales,” and some pretend to be affiliated with Telegram. The platform noted that it has warned readers on numerous occasions, these are NOT official Telegram websites, they have NO affiliation with Telegram, and NO Grams have been issued yet to anyone.
- TON will be decentralized and maintained by third parties: Telegram stated that it and its affiliates have not made any promises or commitments to develop any applications or features for the TON Blockchain or otherwise contribute in any way to the TON Blockchain platform after it launches.
- Telegram will have no control over TON: Telegram further explained that the code for the TON Blockchain will always be open source and publicly viewable. Once it is launched, Telegram will occupy the same position as any other party with respect to the TON Blockchain and will not have any control over, any unique rights within, or any responsibility for the management of, the TON Blockchain.
- Grams won’t help you get rich: Telegram reported that users should NOT expect any profits based on your purchase or holding of Grams, and Telegram makes no promises that you will make any profits.
Telegram then reported the following:
- Telegram is under no obligation and makes no promise or commitment, to ever establish a TON Foundation or similar entity in the future.
- At the time of the anticipated launch of the TON Blockchain, Telegram’s TON Wallet application is expected to be made available solely on a stand-alone basis and will not be integrated with the Telegram Messenger service. In this regard, the TON Wallet is expected to compete with any other wallet applications designed and offered by third parties. Telegram may integrate the TON Wallet application with the Telegram Messenger service in the future to the extent permitted under applicable laws and governmental authorities.