Invesdor Raises €1.86 Million, Plans European Expansion

Invesdor Ltd has revealed a new funding round that closed at the end of 2019. According to a blog post, Invesdor raised €1.86 million from a “selected group of large scale investors,” current shareholders and some employees.  Invesdor explained that a total of €1.6 million came from these five large-scale investors.   The two largest investments came from new shareholders.

The lead investor in the round with €750,000 is a vehicle of WJM Investments (MPI sro) by the family of Henry & Malgorzata McGovern.

McGovern was the founder of AmRest, which is a leading multi-brand international restaurant company in Europe with a market cap of over €3 billion and more than 2,200 restaurants across 26 countries.

The second new shareholder is the Nordic Angel Fund, which is owned by Corporate Equity Partners Ltd and European Angels Fund S.C.A. SICAR.

Invesdor says it will use the new money to continue its expansion across continental Europe.

Invesdor merged with Finnest, an Austria based Fintech, in early 2019. Invesdor is an equity-focused platform while Finnest has targeted debt markets, helping SMEs raise needed growth capital. Between the two platforms, the company has a good foothold in the Nordic region as well as the DACH region (Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland).

Now, perhaps, Invesdor will be pushing beyond the DACH and Nordic region just as harmonized online capital formation rules are being hashed out at the European Commission.

“I am happy to see that Invesdor attracts interest among the international large-scale investors”, commented Invesdor CEO Lasse Mäkelä. “This funding of almost € 2 million supports the execution of our new, international growth strategy, which is also a positive signal for our ownership.”

“We’ve been a European pioneer in our field in many ways, also with our internationalization efforts: ours was the first major merger between crowdfunding platforms,” Mäkelä added.

Invesdor’s Chairman of the Board Tero Weckroth said interest major companies toward crowdfunding has increased and the funding rounds are constantly growing.

“We’ve also developed and grown as a company along the way. Our aim is to be among the major players on the European market; we are also searching for a new CEO that’s ready to lead Invesdor to the next level.”

Invesdor, founded in Finland in 2012, and part of the Invesdor Group, has collectively facilitated over €150 million in investments.

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