Over €45 Million of Loans Funded via PeerBerry in August

PeerBerry starts a new month with a solid portfolio of EUR 93 million.

Over EUR 45 million of loans have been funded “on the PeerBerry platform in August, i.e., a 17% higher amount compared to the previous month.”

1152 new investors “have joined the PeerBerry platform last month.”

In August, PeerBerry onboarded “a new business partner – DongPlus from Vietnam.”

Key figures at the end of August 2022 (vs July 2022):

  • PeerBerry’s total portfolio at the end of August: EUR 92 993 382 (+1% ↑)
  • total loans funded (cumulative since inception): EUR 1 305 674 393 (+3,6% ↑)
  • the loan volume funded in August: EUR 45 180 265 (+17% ↑)
  • the interest earned by investors since inception: EUR 15 190 431 (+4,5% ↑)
  • the interest paid to investors in August: EUR 650 070
  • the average annual ROI in August: 11,09% (without loyalty interest)
  • the number of verified investors at the end of August: 58 878 (+1 152 ↑)

In August, PeerBerry business partners “repaid over EUR 1.7 million of war-affected loans in total.” Up to date, PeerBerry partners already “covered 42.49% of war-affected obligations.” The nearest repayment of war-affected loans “will be processed in the mid of September.”

As covered last month, PeerBerry partners continue regular repayments of “war-affected” loans. The repayment of over EUR 1.4 million of war-affected loans was reportedly completed on August 17, 2022.

EUR 1.2 million is “dedicated to repaying war-affected Ukrainian and Russian short-term loans,” the team at PeerBerry revealed. The also mentioned that EUR 200 000 will be “used to repay war-affected real estate and business loans.”

AutoMoney UA and Slon Credit UA long-term loans are “being repaid under the initial loan schedule.” The last payments of these loans “are being repaid with the accrued interest.”

After repayments of war-affected loans this month, the total repaid amount (since the war started) “is EUR 20,9 million, or 41,62% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.”

As reported last month, Andrejus Trofimovas, the CEO of Aventus Group, became a shareholder of PeerBerry.

Andrejus Trofimovas acquired “a 50% stake in PeerBerry from former shareholder Igoris Trofimovas, who has been a shareholder of PeerBerry since May 2021.”

Andrejus Trofimovas, CEO of Aventus Group, said:

“My decision to become a shareholder of PeerBerry lies in my perception of what responsibility is. Loans issued by Aventus Group companies make up the largest share in PeerBerry’s portfolio – more than 80%. It is a huge responsibility towards PeerBerry investors and their trust in us. Aventus Group companies and other PeerBerry business partners take the obligation to ensure the repayments of loans investors have invested in. We deliver our results by real actions, not by promises.”

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