Robocash Says Digital Finance Including Lending and Saving Moving Most Promising Fintech in Philippines

Robocash Group says that online lending, savings deposits and mobile payments and transfers, are the most promising sectors of Fintech in the Philippines.

Robocash is based in Europe but in recent years has expanded in Asia. Robocash Group operates in the Philippines through the online credit service Digido, along with
a financial mobile app UnaCash.

Robocash points to the World Bank’s, Global Findex data – a survey done every four years as emphasising the opportunity for Fintech growth.  The edition released in June 2022 highlighted global improvements in developing countries regarding financial inclusion. Robocash states that compared to 2017, the share of account holders has increased by 8 percentage points, to 71%, and the respondents who made or received digital payments increased by 13 percentage points, to 57%.

The Philippines is tracking this trend, according to Robocash analysts. The country’s financial services have become more accessible, as the number of accounts has increased by 1.5x to 51.4%.

As well, the share of credit and debit card owners has grown threefold (to 15.9%), of mobile accounts – fivefold (to 21.7%).

Borrowings have risen (from 10.7% to 17.5%) and savings in financial institutions (11.9%-19.2%).

Robocash analysts state:

“From our perspective, Findex has confirmed most of what we’ve known already. We conducted a similar survey in the Philippines in 2021. Its results largely fall in line with The World Bank findings: the share of financial institution accounts (Findex – 45.9%, RCG – 38%), borrowings from financial institutions (17.5% vs. 22.5%), to name a few. The catalyst behind such explosive growth is the Covid-19 pandemic, as 68% of the respondents claimed to have experienced financial difficulties at the time, and therefore were forced to adapt. Naturally, government policies on financial inclusion have played their own part as well.”


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