Northern Trust, EDS Team Up with UK-based Asset Manager Redwheel

Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) announced that UK-based asset manager Redwheel is now using its data aggregation tool, developed by its strategic partner, Equity Data Science, Inc., in order “to enhance ESG integration across its investment business.”

Founded in 2000 and formerly known as RWC Partners, Redwheel currently “manages approximately US$19 billion for its clients.”

The data aggregation tool “leverages data science to help increase data accessibility while generating efficiencies and enhancing collaboration between Redwheel’s investment teams and its core business functions.”

Using the tool, investment teams are better equipped “to monitor and analyze third party and proprietary ESG data across the entire investment lifecycle, the platform effectively providing a single view for ESG integration and reporting.”

Chris Anker, Head of Sustainability at Redwheel, said:

“The insights we can derive from Northern Trust and EDS’ data aggregation tool enable us to use ESG data more effectively. By enhancing data accessibility, it becomes easier to integrate ESG considerations within both investment decision-making and client reporting. Working in collaboration with the Northern Trust and EDS teams we have been able to harness the power of the tool’s flexible architecture, helping us make rapid progress towards our end goal which is to fully embed the tool within all investment and oversight processes to meet the evolving expectations of our clients.”

Paul Fahey, Head of Investment Data Science at Northern Trust Asset Servicing, said:

“ESG is more important than ever for many investors but implementing it can be challenging in a dynamic market environment. Partnering with EDS to launch the ESG workflow solution was a significant step forward for us and our clients. We have enabled our clients to more easily access their data while providing a new level of efficacy, which is a key tenet of our Whole Office™ strategy. Most importantly, we can provide a single source for data which is often difficult to obtain.”

Greg McCall, President of Equity Data Science, said:

“It is no secret that ESG data is increasingly being utilized within investment decision making but accessing that data can be time consuming and inefficient. The ESG workflow solution helps Redwheel integrate their ESG data and improve accessibility for their investment teams. Discussions continue between EDS and Redwheel regarding the development of additional capabilities which, if implemented, we hope will help to further improve their research management and portfolio construction decisions, enabling them to achieve their business and performance goals.”

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