Location: The public will be able to view on www.sec.gov

Date:          Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Time:         10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (ET)

Time Description
10:00 Call to Order; Introductory Remarks by Commissioners
10:15 Remarks from Kenisha Nicholson of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance’s Office of Small Business Policy

The SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance’s Office of Small Business Policy (OSBP) will discuss its role in the SEC’s mission and provide an overview of the current accredited investor framework, including background information on the accredited investor definition and how the definition interrelates with capital-raising rules.

10:30  Accredited Investor Definition

The Committee will review and evaluate the existing accredited investor definition. Members will share their views on, and experiences with, the existing definition and consider whether there are potential changes that could positively affect capital-raising opportunities for both entrepreneurs and investors.

12:00  Lunch Break
1:15 Remarks from Marc Mehrespand of the SEC’s Division of Investment Management

The Division of Investment Management (IM) will discuss its role in the SEC’s mission and provide some background on the regulatory and disclosure framework for investment advisors.

1:30 Diversity and the Investment Process


The Committee will explore the merits and use cases of diversity metrics by investors, including existing practices and voluntary disclosure. The Committee will hear from a speaker on how diversity metrics are incorporated into the investment process. As part of this discussion, the Committee will discuss the role of disclosure and what varying diversity disclosures may be designed to achieve and explore their potential impacts and limitations in light of both the existing regulatory framework and current related legal challenges.


  • Anna Snider, Head of Investment Selection, Chief Investment Office, Global Wealth and Investment Management, Bank of America
3:00 Wrap-up and Adjournment