Brazil’s Nubank Introduces Nu Selic Simples with Focus on National Treasury Bonds

Nubank (NYSE:NU), which claims to be one of the world’s largest digital financial services platforms, announces its newest product developed by Nu Asset: Nu Selic Simples.

With a majority allocation in post-fixed public bonds from the National Treasury (LFTs – Financial Letters of the Treasury), Nu Selic Simples offers “an alternative for conservative profile customers seeking a low-risk investment solution with daily liquidity.”

The asset is available to all Nubank customers.

Its return follows Brazil’s basic interest rate (Selic), “just like Tesouro Selic.”

However, it is operated “with an administration fee of 0.19% per year, lower than the 0.20% per year charged by Tesouro Direto for custody of the assets, and with an initial investment of 100 reais, making it more accessible.”

Another highlight is the management of the product.

The selection of the chosen bonds is “made by Nu Asset, with choices aligned with the product’s purpose, making the process simpler for the customer and ensuring the bonds are updated.”

The fund has no maturity date, “as public bonds usually do, since Nu Asset is responsible for maintaining the assets and renewing expired bonds.”

Andrés Kikuchi, executive director of Nu Asset Management, said:

“We are happy to offer this new investment alternative, which reflects our commitment to expanding the portfolio to bring more and more options aligned with the profile of our clients, giving them alternatives and freedom to invest. The combination of daily liquidity, low risk, and expertise of our investment portfolio makes Nu Selic Simples an interesting option for those seeking an accessible product tied to Selic.”

Main characteristics of Nu Selic Simples:

  • Daily liquidity: Redemptions can be made daily within the fund’s operating hours (D+0), and the client can receive the funds on the same business day.
  • Consistent profitability: Through the majority allocations in post-fixed public bonds from the National Treasury (LFTs), the fund has consistent profitability and lower volatility, contributing to avoiding surprises.
  • Initial investment: The initial investment for Nu Selic Simples is 100 reais, lower than the minimum for Tesouro Selic (Tesouro Direto) currently.
  • Experience of Nu Asset: By investing in Nu Selic Simples, the investor can rely on the experience and knowledge of the management team, which provides the best selections of public bonds for the client.
  • Consistency: Investments in Nu Selic Simples are always made in the same fund, whereas in Tesouro Direto, it’s necessary to buy new bonds with each contribution.

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