Decentralized Computing Platform Ethernity Cloud to Focus on Establishing Standards for Privacy and Security

Decentralized and “confidential” computing platform Ethernity Cloud says that it is focused on establishing standards in how we “approach data privacy, security, and accessibility in the cloud.”

In 2024, Etherenity Cloud started with the launch of their Liquidity Pool on Quickswap.

The team says that they “continue to drive progress and empower their community.”

Their staking program has reportedly seen steady growth, “with over 316 million staked, 49 million rewards distributed, and 4522 active nodes, all made possible by their community of over 60,000 members across various channels.”

They’re also collaborating with various institutions and organizations such as Bloxberg, MPDL – Max Planck Digital Library, If(Is) – Institute for Internet Security, Quickswap, Confidential Computing Consortium, Bank of Memories, Provention, Jocelyn, Scontain, Gosh, Bacon Basquiat or Intel.

They aim to work together to enable the Decentralized Confidential Cloud Computing ecosystem.

Since their inception, Ethernity Cloud claims it has been laying the groundwork with their updated whitepaper and have confirmed the recent launch of our Liquidity Pool on Quickswap.

As noted by its developers, Ethernity Cloud set out on its mission with the release of their first whitepaper, outlining their approach to decentralized confidential cloud computing.

Their journey continues to focus on supporting the so-called web3 computing industry.

In 2020, they reportedly introduced PoX on Bloxberg and launched their Testnet, laying the groundwork for advancements. In 2021, the team reported that they completed raising funds through various rounds. And in 2022, they launched the ETNY Wallet, Jupyter Notebook integration, enhancing their Testnet, and introduced their staking program.

Last year, they launched the Ethernity Cloud mainnet, and the ETNY to ECLD Swap.

Ethernity Cloud’s ECLD token is now part of an ecosystem that includes the Ethernity Cloud.

As an initiative enabling “decentralized” and “confidential” computing, Ethernity Cloud remains focused on data privacy, security, and accessibility in the cloud.

ECLD aims to support an ecosystem that prioritizes decentralization, transparency, and security.

Ethernity Cloud says that it offers a solution to “the challenges of traditional cloud computing, leveraging blockchain technology to provide a decentralized ecosystem for confidential computing.”

This tech addresses societal concerns “around data privacy and the protection of intellectual property, marking a leap forward in the empowerment of users and developers.”

The project’s developers emphasize the importance of cloud computing, “highlighting how investments in privacy and decentralization are shaping digital infrastructure.”

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