Engagement Banking Fintech Backbase Assists MyState Bank with Supporting Business Growth

Backbase, the global enabler of engagement banking, has successfully delivered a new digital banking platform for MyState Bank to support future growth.

The platform represents a significant leap forward in “delivering seamless, customer-centric digital experiences to MyState customers.”

MyState has partnered with Backbase “to modernise its digital banking offering, aiming to simplify money management with an easier, more user-friendly, and secure platform for customers.”

Backbase has developed a proven engagement banking suite, “combined with a robust delivery methodology.”

Backbase‘s powerful, flexible, and modular platform enables seamless “integration with other leading technologies the bank has invested in.”

Brett Morgan, Managing Director and CEO MyState Bank, said:

“To support our growth ambitions, we have chosen to invest in best-of-suite technology to provide the best possible digital and people backed experience for our customers. The implementation has been smooth and customers have reacted positively to the new highly rated app and digital experience.”

The Backbase Engagement Banking Platform now “supports MyState’s range of personal digital banking capabilities, including advanced personal finance management (PFM), payments (including Pay ID and digital wallets), deeply embedded threat/fraud protection and a sophisticated limits/notifications capability across all channels.”

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