Pacaso, a technology-enabled real estate marketplace that helps people buy, co-own, and sell a vacation home, reports more than 21% growth in co-ownership across the U.S. year-over-year in its inaugural Co-Ownership Growth Report. The report identifies the top ten counties “with the most significant annual… Read More
Miami Beach has recently taken a “monumental” step in recognizing co-ownership and co-ownership management, which is a significant milestone for Pacaso. Co-ownership is quickly “becoming the future of second home ownership, and Miami Beach’s recognition of this trend is validation that co-ownership is here to… Read More
Pacaso, the real estate platform that helps people buy and co-own a luxury second home, shares a significant moment for co-ownership with the passage of Utah SB 271. The passage of the bill, sponsored by Sen. Michael McKell and Rep. Val Peterson, means the benefits… Read More
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