Tagged: rebus

Crowdcube Addresses Failure of Rebus. Explains 90% of Applying Firms are Denied from Raising Capital on Their Site

In response to Rebus being called the “biggest UK crowdfunding failure to date,” Crowdcube addressed the company’s failure on Friday. Back in February, Rebus, a company that raised over£816,790 on Crowdcube in 2015, announced that it was filing for bankruptcy.  According to data provided by Crowdcube, the company… Read More

Rebus Called Biggest UK Crowdfunding Failure to Date as Firm Files for Bankruptcy

Rebus, a company that raised over £816,790 on Crowdcube in 2015, has gone into administration making it one of the largest equity crowdfunding failures in the UK to date.  According to data provided by Crowdcube, the company sold a 6.63% stake in the firm to 109… Read More

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