Back in January, Finland-based startup, Jolla, made the tough announcement last week that its highly anticipated Sailfish Tablet just wasn’t meant to be. Back in Fall 2014, Jolla launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise $380,000 for its in-house tech. The unique tablet has been dubbed by the company… Read More
Last fall, San Jose-based startup Matchstick launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise $100,000 for its self-titled streaming stick that was built on Firefox OS. This project immediately hit the spotlight due to being the next “big thing” against Google Chrome. By the time its campaign closed, the streaming stick… Read More
At this point, I’ll skip the process of reiterating HealBe’s disaster of an Indiegogo campaign in any detail. In short, HealBe launched a campaign for a device called the GoBe that promised to count calories burned during a workout by measuring glucose levels in the bloodstream…. Read More
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