Tagged: remigijus šimašius

Invest Lithuania: Vilnius Ranked #1 for Per Capita Tech Startups in New Research

Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is topping far more established innovation hotbeds when it comes to tech startups and greenfield Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects, on a per capita basis. According to the Financial Times’ fDi Intelligence division, Vilnius beat out Tel Aviv, Singapore and… Read More

Slam Dunk! Lithuanian Basketball Fans Can Now Buy Tickets with XEM Cryptocurrency

NEM.io Foundation, the creator of the P2P NEM blockchain platform providing payments, messaging and asset making, announced a sponsorship deal with Lithuanian basketball club Lietuvos Rytas. Basketball fans will now be able to purchase Rytas tickets with blockchain-supported digital currency.The NEM.io Foundation, a leader in… Read More

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