SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator Launches 2.0 Program At Cyberport Fintech Smart Space

SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator announced the launch of its 2.0 program on January 9th in the newly opened Cyberport FinTech Smart Space. The accelerator welcomed the program’s eight fintech start-ups and scale-up participants, which are Bambu,, Entersoft, FinChat, Foris, KYC Chain, Squirro, and Xnotes Alliance. The companies… Read More
Read more in: Fintech, Asia | Tagged asia, bambu,, entersoft, fidelity international, finchat, fintech, foris, janos barberis, kyc chain, squirro, standard chartered bank, supercharger fintech accelerator, veronika kuznetsova, xnotes alliance