Tagged: zkrollups

Audited by CertiK, ZKSwap Introduces Zero Gas Layer 2, Decentralized Exchange to Enhance User Experience on Blockchain Networks

ZKSwap has introduced a “zero-gas” layer 2 decentralized (or non-custodial) exchange (DEX) to enhance the overall user experience.  Fully audited and reportedly backed by a $1.7 million investment, ZKSwap aims to provide a solution to Ethereum’s (ETH) network congestion. ZKSwap recently announced the Ethereum blockchain… Read More

New Ethereum Smart Wallet from Loopring Feels like Traditional Fintech Apps but Also Self-Custodial and Privacy focused

The developers at Loopring, which allows anyone to create “high-throughput,” non-custodial, orderbook-based exchanges on Ethereum by leveraging Zero-Knowledge Proofs or ZKPs (for financial privacy), have introduced a beta version of the Loopring Wallet – which is notably the first Ethereum smart wallet with built-in zkRollup… Read More

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