Lumo Lift Launched: Activity Monitor & Appearance Booster Seeks $200K

Lumo_Lift_Sensor_abbyLumo BodyTech is a Silicon Valley-based company that specializes in giving people actionable feedback on body position in order to help them improve their lives. They’ve already crowdfunded one product successfully, and today sees the launch of a second  – the Lumo Lift – that is already seeing some impressive traction.

The Lumo Lift is an “appearance booster and activity monitor” that continues a trend of wearable smart devices aimed at improving the user’s health. The device magnetically clips to an article of clothing (it can be worn and still hidden from sight) and tracks the user’s activity and posture. It’ll vibrate when the user slouches as a reminder to sit up straight.

What’s the big deal with posture? Lumo BodyTech co-founder & CEO Monisha Perkash explained that good posture results in varied health benefits including decreased stress. It also exudes power, confidence and openness.

The tag line for the product – “shoulders back, head lifted, seize the day,” – says it all.

LumoLift_set1-1The Lumo Lift is also proactive. It will occasionally remind you to practice your posture throughout the day in power-up sessions, short exercises aimed at improving body position and posture.

Of course, in order to get this cool functionality it will have to be paired with a smartphone. At launch an iOS app is available with plans of including an Android version in the future. The device has Bluetooth LE built-in so it should go a long way on a charge. The campaign page states that a charge should be good for 5 days.

This isn’t Lumo’s first crowdfunding campaign, either… a fact that should help put any potential backers at ease in regards to Lumo’s ability to deliver. The company successfully doubled a $100,000 goal on Kickstarter in a campaign that ended in August of 2012 for a similar device, the Lumo Back. The Lift aims to take the functionality of the Lumo Back and encompass it in a smaller wearable device.

From the first campaign, Perkash says that the team at Lumo was able to really hone their production and manufacturing process. She says the experience from the first campaign has helped Lumo learn to create efficiencies in manufacturing that have them rolling into this second campaign confident that they can and will deliver.

The campaign launches today in tandem with this CES event you may have heard of. They’ve already raised over $25,000 toward a $200,000 goal and it seems certain that the campaign will be fully-funded considering early traction and past success.

Click here to see the campaign

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