“Shroud of the Avatar” Is Your Next Million-Dollar Kickstarter Video Game

Richard Garriott, the award winning designer and creator of the Ultima franchise, makes his triumphant return to the genre that earned him a place in the Hall of Fame and a Lifetime Achievement Award. Shroud of the Avatar is the first installment of Richard’s new vision and represents the reinvention of the classic, fantasy role-playing which he pioneered. A fantasy role-playing game that will focus more on player choices and discovery than on level grinding.

The Ultima series is touted as the oldest RPG series in the world. It was created based on Garriott’s love of Dungeons and Dragons, and the first version of the game dates back to 1980.

The series would go on to become a “trilogy of trilogies,” with 9 games released under the Ultima banner. Now creator Richard Garriott, aka “Lord British,” is crowdfunding a new version of the game.

The newest and most comprehensive installment to date promises to right some perceived wrongs in the RPG genre…

…most every other RPG has focused more on level grinding than on “role playing”, which has been reduced to a few initial character choices. While advancements in graphics and sound have been phenomenal, in many ways the virtual worlds we play in have become less real. Less open. Less immersive.

With Shroud of the Avatar, Richard and his team will again reinvent the classic fantasy role-playing experience. Using state-of-the-art tools and technology, the game will focus on what made his seminal Ultima Series great. Once players are introduced to the game, they will discover their own story woven into the immersive world and lore surrounding them. Players may choose to follow the life of the adventurer or, if they prefer, focus on exploration and discovery. Players may even choose the life of a homesteader; either nestled within the safety of the settled lands, or on the dangerous but potentially lucrative frontier. The world is full of opportunities and challenges!

Backers will have to wait quite a while to receive their copies of the game. Delivery isn’t expected until October of 2014. However, certain backers will be able to play sooner than that. Rewards include alpha and beta access to the game beginning in December of this year.

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