For Star Citizen, Cloud Imperium Makes The Rules

Star Citizen Monthly TotalsFull disclosure, I was gearing up to report on the end of Star Citizen’s massive, $25-million-plus crowdfunding campaign when I saw that there were only a little over 1,000 “seats” left for the game.

Imagine my shock when I check this morning to find that there are now 50,000 seats available as the campaign charges toward its next stretch goal. It seems they’re adding available seats – and time – to this campaign, 50,000 backers at a time. Thus far over 285,000 people have backed the game early.

RELATED | Star Citizen: Biggest Crowdfunding Campaign Ever (And it’s Not Over Yet)

You can do that when you roll your own crowdfunding solution. At least for now, there are no rules that Cloud Imperium doesn’t impose on themselves.

chris-robertsIn short, it seems Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games clearly have no immediate plans to stop the seemingly endless flow of cash they’ve been able to generate via their proprietary crowdfunding platform. It makes one wonder whether $25 million will look paltry when compared to where the campaign ends up.

October was the best month ever for the crowdfunding effort. The team raised over $3.3 million. For perspective, that would be good for #9 on Kickstarter’s all-time list. That is just one of the over ten months that Cloud Imperium has been crowdfunding this video game.



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