Watch: TED, Skype Host Epic Roundtable On Creative Crowdfunding & Kickstarter

Meet Frank Bell. The Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter is trying to blaze a path to success, and for artists like Bell that path increasingly includes crowdfunding. As part of a joint effort between TED and Skype, Bell recently had the chance to ask questions of a panel of creative crowdfunding experts.

In the video below, TED Ideas Editor Helen Walters sat down with Amanda Palmer, Tim Schafer, Yancey Strickler and others from the emergent world of creative crowdfunding to discuss the intricacies of a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign. Bell also gets to ask the panel some questions.

The video does serve as a great primer for newbies, but for anyone that has been in the crowdfunding world for any length of time, this video will be particularly interesting. It’s incredible to watch a handful of people who have used Kickstarter to raise huge amounts of money opine about Kickstarter with Yancey Strickler sitting on stage. At one point Strickler actually points out that the panel is full of outliers, projects that have raised a million dollars or more. Although those projects dominate the ether around crowdfunding, they aren’t typical of Kickstarter or any crowdfunding platform. There’s a bit of light tension that makes it very fun and interesting to watch. (Crowdfunding is a bit of a subjective topic after all, isn’t it?)

Watch below. What do you think of the video?

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