Sold Out CSW Summit Brussels Will Present Live Crowdfunding Round To Anyone From Anywhere

CrowdSourcing Week Live Stream

The Crowdsourcing Week (CSW) Summit in Brussels may be sold out, but now crowdfunding platform MyMicroInvest will present a live crowdfunding round and anyone from anywhere can participate! This event will kick off June 5th, 9:50 a.m. Brussels local time.CrowdSourcingWeekLogo

The session will present two innovative startups to conference attendees, along with potential investors, and the audience can interact and invest through a smartphone app. The two startups are 2Houses and Earnieland.

2House is a platform and mobile app that helps separated parents communicate and organize better for the most important thing in their lives, their children. Using the platform, parents may organize custody scheduling, keep track of shared expenses, share school and medical information. 2Houses aims to prioritize written and pre-formatted communication better than users arguing on the phone.

Earnieland is an online shopping platform for shoppers looking for the best deals and discounts for all their favorite webshops. The platform gives back the wasted time that users spent on searching for deals by giving them an easy to use website so they may find the right deal. Earnieland offers the ultimate shopping experience.

Nick NM YapLive streaming for the CSW convention will begin with a presentation called “When Crowdfunding is More than Just Finance. How to Seek Customer-Led Innovation While Crowdsourcing?” from Nick NM Yap, who is known as an engaging story tell and cowdfunding veteran of two successful Kickstarter campaigns.

MyMicrosInvest’s Jose Zurstrassen, a serial entrepreneur and angel investor, will be presenting the two startups. Both companies have about three minutes to present their business plan and financing needs. The audience will be able to ask questions before the live crowdfunding begins.

CSW states the goal behind the live crowdfunding is to “support the productive economy financing in the country by making investing in innovative companies more accessible. A direct, ludic and interactive relationship is created between the company and the investors’ audience, who can fully live the investment experience from a minimum of €50.”

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