Ready to join the newly defined “Crypto Revolution,” comedian and political activist Russell Brand recently declared his support for the cryptocurrency, bitcoin.
According to Newsbtc, Brand, who has joined forced with StartJOIN so that he may attract more attention to crowdfunding and digital literacy programs, stated:
“I’m very interested in setting up social enterprises, such as our café that we’ve started, replicating that model more and more. Small businesses, practical, functional things where people can come together in an entrepreneurial spirit, creatively, and work together – hopefully ultimately using an alternative currency and completely negating and avoiding the system.
Brand has also revealed his views against capitalism, which he cited that a political revolution is needed due to the system being unable to provide fair distribution of wealth:
“I think what is important is to organize and to disobey. To be really, really disobedient. Revolution is required. It is not a revolution of radical ideas, but simply the implementation of the ideas that they say we already have.”
StartJOIN’s CEO, Max Keiser, revealed more details about bitcoin:
“This is quantitative easing for the people, you can spend it on the projects that you are endorsing and behind. This is a currency that could be a currency of the revolution.”
Kaiser went on to add that the digital currency is now challenging central banks to redefine money and economics of the 21st century. He also claimed that combined with Brand’s political revolution, the stage for a new era has been set.