International Yoga Teacher Rachel Brathen Captures Over $100,000 in 24 Hours on Kickstarter For New Online Platform “oneOeight”

On Tuesday, Swedish native Rachel Brathen, who is an author, motivational speaker and international yoga teacher, launched a crowdfunding initiative on Kickstarter to raise $108,000 for oneOeight, her new online platform that is dedicated to “healing with a foundation in yoga.”

oneoeight 3The new platform will feature high quality video content from renown guides such as Simon Park, Meghan Currie, Kimberly Snyder, and Colleen Saidman to name a few. Videos and blogs will be uploaded weekly and available to everyone.

oneOeight will have four houses, which are four categories geared towards different areas of the user’s life. These are the following:

  • Move: Everything centered around the physical yoga practice and movement of the body.
  • Calm: Centers around meditation and healing.
  • Nourish: Revolves around anything and everything that nourishes the body.
  • Explore: Brings the online world back to real, actual life.

While discussing the creation of oneOeight, Brathen stated:

oneoeight 1“On any given day I get hundreds of emails from people asking me for help. It’s everything from questions about yoga poses to people asking how to cope with the death of a loved one. During this past year I have been developing oneOeight; an online platform dedicated to healing with a foundation in yoga. We need YOUR help in order to ensure we can raise startup funds to launch and continue our biggest mission yet, as one global tribe. There is a HUGE need for a place of healing in the online world! A place where we can create community on a deeper level and find the tools to create a happy, balanced life.


“To address this great need, though, we need your help. We’re pretty far along in developing the team and content for oneOeight.We’ve produced videos that we’re really proud of and have assembled a small operational team and an awesome group of guides across wellness, yoga, food and travel. But the costs of starting up and running even just month one of oneOeight are steep. We also want to be sure that we’ll have ongoing support to keep oneOeight alive. So we’ve come to you for the first $108,000, which funny enough is exactly what it will cost for us to launch oneOeight on 10/8 and operate it for just one month.”

Also explaining the platform’s unique name, Brathen shared:

oneoeight 4“We chose oneOeight as a name for this community because while it is revered in the yogi tradition, it is made up by simple numbers used in modern society. Our platform is a place for ancient tradition and healing practices to come to life in today’s world.


“The mala beads you often see yoga and meditation practitioners wearing all have 108 beads. Once you’ve opened your eyes to this sacred number you will find it’s present all around you – just like the sacred practice of yoga.”

Backers of the campaign will receive various rewards, including yoga apparel, yoga mats, Mala beads, first access to videos, and much more.

Since its launch, the campaign has successfully surpassed its initial goal and is currently at over $114,000. It is set to close on October 8th.






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