Kickbooster Launches Services That Pays Backers to Share Their Favorite Crowdfunding Campaigns

Kickbooster, a network for crowdfunding campaigns, has recently launched its services that pays campaign backers so share their favorite funding projects.

KickboosterAccording to Tech Crunch, Kickbooster users can share links to interesting campaigns, and receive a 10 percent referral fee when someone clicks their link and backs the campaign. The platform shared:

“At Kickbooster we are trying our best to simplify the marketing aspect of your crowdfunding campaign. Simply put, Kickbooster allows campaign creators to run a referral program during their crowdfunding campaign and provides incentive for backers to share and promote your campaign.”

Kickbooster uses Google Analytics tracking codes that users place on their Kickstarter page to track when someone visits the campaign after clicking on one of their Booster’s referral URLs. Notably this process takes only a few minutes to setup and does not require any development or design experience.

Noting who can use its services, Kickbooster noted:

“Everyone running a crowdfunding campaign can benefit from using Kickbooster. The best way to reach your fundraising goal is through word of mouth. Kickbooster gives your friends, family, and backers a reason to spread the word about your campaign, drastically increasing your chances of reaching your funding goal.”

KickstarterKickbooster has no upfront cost and is risk-free to try with campaigns. It collects 3% of all the pledges generated through Kickbooster as payment, plus an additional 10% that is paid out as commission to the user’s Boosters (13% total):

“If Kickbooster raises you $1000, we collect $130 once your campaign is successfully funded. $100 is paid to your Boosters and $30 is used to cover the processing and administration fees.”

Payment isdue after users receive their funds from Kickstarter. Plus side is that comission is only collected on successfully funded campaigns. If the campaign doesn’t get funded, it costs you nothing.

Kickbooster is only available with Kickstarter campaigns at this time. Indiegogo support is coming soon.





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