OurCrowd First Recognized as Most Active Micro VC Fund by IVC-APM

OurCrowd First Management

OurCrowd, one of the largest investment crowdfunding platforms in the world, has received a cool recognition for its OurCrowd First seed fund. IVC-APM has bestowed the title of OurCrowd First being  Israel’s Most Active VC Fund.

According to info provided by OurCrowd, the report analyzed the most active venture capital funds and ranked the most active participants by early stage investments in Israel during 2015.  OurCrowd came out on top.  This is also important because Israel is one of the hottest startup markets in the world today.  On a per-capita basis, Israel is number one.  The OurCrowd First fund delivered 7 investments as part of its seed investments.  OurCrowd First has now built a diversified portfolio of 10 vetted early-stage companies. OurCrowd founder and CEO said he was “delighted” to receive the recognition;

“This highlights our commitment to providing seed capital to the growing cohort of Israeli entrepreneurs,” stated Medved.

“We are seeing an unprecedented number of high quality seed investment opportunities in Israel,” said Yori Nelken, General Partner at OurCrowd First. “I have been active as an entrepreneur and investor here for the last 20+ years and am impressed not only with the sheer number of companies, but also the high quality of companies and teams approaching us for funding.”

OurCrowd FirstOurCrowd First may invest up to $500,000 in seed and Pre-A investments in high-growth sectors including the Internet of Things, industrial energy, mobile, augmented reality, 3D printing, and medical big data. OurCrowd explains that these investments are generally made alongside other high profile, global VCs including Artis Ventures (YouTube), Khosla Ventures, Marc Benioff (CEO of Salesforce) and BRM Group (Checkpoint).

Eitan Cohen, CEO and Co-Founder of TechSee a company that recieved OurCrowd First funding, stated;

“Since engaging with OurCrowd First, we have established deep partnerships. OurCrowd First is well beyond just funds. It’s like having an extension of our own management team providing strategic advantages, including support at the board level, introducing high-level customers, helping with key hires and providing assistance with the fund raising process for additional rounds.”

OurCrowd First prides itself on providing mentorship and assistance to companies both at the board of director’s level, as well as helping to raise additional funding.

See the list of the current investments in OurCrowd First’s Portfolio today:

  • Invertex: Pioneering customized 3D scanning technology and leading the way to consumer-based, instant product creation.
  • CAPESTER: The first and only video authentication platform that empowers you to right everyday wrongs.
  • mPirica: Provides patients and self-insured employers with a simple and trustworthy measure of medical quality.
  • Missbeez: This app brings beauty specialists to the door of the busy modern woman.
    Turbulent Energy: Patented technology for increased efficiency and dramatic emissions reduction for combustion of fuel oil or natural gas.
  • Zebra: Teaching computers to read medical imaging files, one algorithm at a time.
    Stringify: The app connects physical and digital ‘things’ to help automate devices in the world of Internet of Things.
  • Rimoto: App providers keep users connected while they travel by providing them with specific, free data streaming connectivity to their own apps.
  • PushApps: Enriched push notifications with content recommendations, images and cross-sells, personalized and relevant to message context.
  • TechSee: Patent pending visual support technology leverages mobile, machine vision, deep learning and augmented reality to transform the technical support experience.

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