Brief: Sony Teams Up Cryptozoic Entertainment For Second Ghostbusters Board Game & Announces Kickstarter Return

Cryptozoic Entertainment, a board game and collectible cards studio, and Sony Pictures Consumer Products announced on Friday they are teaming up once again to launch a Kickstarter campaign for Ghostbusters: The Board Game II. 

Ghostbusters 5Following on the heels of last year’s successful Kickstarter campaign, which captured over $1.5 million and the retail release of Ghostbusters: The Board Game, the second game in the series ups the ante with lots of new game elements, including Slime Blower Pack Ghostbusters, Ooze entities that can split apart and join back together, allies, new equipment like Ecto Goggles and Portal Destabilizers.

The game also features an original story by Ghostbusters comics writer Erik Burnham that has the Ghostbusters investigating mood slime that has flooded the city, creating earthquakes and riots in another attempt to bring Vigo and his minions back. In line with the story, the map tiles in the game depict buildings destroyed by earthquakes and fires, as well as collapsed streets that expose sewers infested with slime, tunnels with derailed subway cars, and ghost trains. The impressive new figures are based on designs by Ghostbusters comic book artist Dan Schoening.

The new Kickstarter will launch sometime next month. 

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