Last time we visited the saga of the Coolest Cooler, creator Ryan Grepper was struggling to deliver on his backer commitments from his high-profile Kickstarter campaign. The determined Grepper promised to deliver all of the promised high-tech Coolers one way or another – but it was going to take some additional time.
Coolest remains one of the top Kickstarter campaigns ever. The cooler raised over $13 million in 2014. Like many rewards based projects that generate significant consumer interest, the Coolest Cooler project struggled to scale and deliver to backers. Unfortunately for backers, the promised price was far too low to cover the cost to produce the product and get it delivered. Additional challenges along the path of fulfilment did not make things easier. In a statement last February, Grepper explained his dilemma;
“We knew that the Kickstarter funds, in the end, would not cover the actual cost of fulfilling all the backer orders, but with such huge interest we knew we would find a way to help us finish the process and grow as a company.”
In April, Grepper announced an option for impatient supporters to pay approximately $97 per unit more to receive a guaranteed delivery date of before July 4th. Enough backers signed up to ship an expedited batch. Yet challenges remained while some coolers were delivered.
A quick trip to ShittyKickstarters on Reddit, and DanWin does a great job of outlining the most recent round of frustration – including the fact that Coolest is selling on Amazon for a serious discount:
Coolest Cooler now selling on Amazon for $225, down from $499 last November self.shittykickstarters
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