Four Years Later: Last of “Double Fine Adventure” Perks Ship to Kickstarter Backers

Just four years after the hit game, Double Fine Adventures, secured $3,336,371 from 87,142 backers on Kickstarter, Double Fine’s Tim Schafer announced all campaign perks have officially be shipped to backers.

double-fine-adventuresDouble Fine, which was founded in 2000 by Schafer, has created some of the well-known games in the industry, including Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, Costume Quest, Stacking, Iron Brigade, and Once Upon a Monster.  Schafer is also the co-founder of the crowdfunding platform of games, Fig, and recently secured more than $3.7 million for Psychonauts 2. Double Fine Adventure is described as a downloadable “Point-and-Click” graphic adventure game for the modern age.

In the campaign’s final update, Schafer revealed details about the shipped final perks (including the Blu-ray of Double Fine’s Documentary):

“You are hopefully as excited as we are, but also you might reasonably be asking, ‘What took so long?’ I hope when you check out the Blu-ray you’ll understand. 2 Player Productions has created something really special for us all. Starting with the amazing, living menus, you can see the love that went into this thing. Then as you dig down through the multiple tracks of commentary for every episode, the thirty hours of bonus material, and all the other new goodies on this thing you’ll start to realize, ‘Whoa. I’m about to spend a lot of quality time with this thing.’”

Schafer went on to note:

Tim Schafer“Thank you for your patience, even those of you who were not patient. Now what? For some of us, the adventure is going to continue with Psychonauts 2. The crew is filming all our meetings and gathering footage for either another documentary, or just some sort of blackmail scheme. But whether you’re part of that adventure or not, we will always be bound together by what happened on the Double Fine Adventure. You made it possible, you helped shaped its course, and you stood by us when times were tough. So I hope we’ll still be seeing a lot of each other–on the forums, at PAX or Day of the Devs. So, see you around!”

Blu-ray features includes:

  • New improved audio and video presentation: Cleaned up, Recolored, and previously blurred ‘spoilers’ now magically un-blurred
  • Two sets of Commentaries for every episode from the 2 Player Productions documentary team & Broken Age development team
  • Deleted, uncut, and extended scenes
  • Exclusive gatefold art by Nathan “Bagel” Stapley
  • Trailers, presentations, and more!

Data DVD featuring:

  • Broken Age complete game for Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Official Soundtrack in wav, and mp3 format
  • Broken Age Digital Art Archive
  • including concept art, Full resolution game assets, Promotional artwork

Schafer then added that while it’s difficult to estimate the arrival time for international shipping, domestic orders should be arriving before the December holidays.

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