On Thursday, equity crowdfunding platform Seedrs announced the opening of its new office located in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. This news comes just a couple of weeks after Seedrs revealed plans to hit “aggressive growth targets” and appointed two executives, Jeff Kelsey and Ricardo Brízido, to its management team.
The funding portal revealed the exciting news about its new Lisbon location on Twitter:
Obrigado to everyone that came to the launch of our new Lisbon office – was great to have you all celebrate with us! https://t.co/z40h7Zjx8e
— Seedrs (@Seedrs) March 31, 2017
Seedrs has continued its expansion into various European locations. Last summer, the company opened its first office in Continental Europe with the establishment of its Amsterdam operations. Jeff Lynn, CEO and co-founder of Seedrs, previously explained the European expansion has always been on the list of strategic objectives:
“We have always had a pan-European vision for Seedrs, and the launch of our Amsterdam office brings that vision one step closer to reality. I have been very impressed by what I have seen of the early-stage ecosystem in the Benelux, and we made our first step into the region last year when we partnered there with ING. Now I am looking forward to Seedrs becoming a key player in financing startup and growth companies across the three countries.”
Seedrs has funded more than 460 deals to date, and £200 million has been invested into campaigns on the platform.