SaveLend Reports Results of Option Redemption

SaveLend Group AB, a savings platform for savers to generate yield through credit, such as SME, real estate, consumer credit, and factoring in both SEK and EUR, has announced the outcome of the option redemption. According to a statement by SaveLend,  the company has received SEK 17.9 million while increasing the number of shares by 1,952,423 shares to 53,553,250 via the redemption of warrants.

The share capital thus increases by SEK 44,373.25 to a total of SEK 1,217,119.34.

Ludwig Pettersson, CEO of SaveLend Group, stated:

“A statement of strength in the market we are in, and with this, we have enough capital to become cash flow positive.”

SaveLend is a peer-to-peer lender based in Sweden but with offices in Poland and Finland.

Founded by Pettersson in 2014, Savelend reports 75 full-time employees and revenues in 2020, of SEK 56.4 million an increase of 26% from the previous year.

For the period January to September 2022, SaveLend reported a net loss of MSEK -24.8. In the most recent quarter (July 2022 to September 2022), SaveLend reported topping SEK 1 billion originated on the platform.


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