Global Investment Platform Robocash Group Announces H1 2023 Results

The first half of the year was a “busy” one for the RoboCash Group.

The holding focused “on the expansion of the current business in the Philippines and Kazakhstan, as well as the systematic preparation for the opening of new markets.”

As noted in a blog post by, here are the key highlights:

  • The volume of issued loans in H1 2023 reached 292.7 M USD, with a Q2 issuance of 160.8 M USD, indicating a 21.9% increase compared to Q1 2023;
  • Client registrations in H1 2023 amounted to 1.6 million, showing a decrease of 18.6% in Q2 compared to 884.6 thousand registrations in Q1 2023. This decline can be attributed to a shift in focus towards maintaining the quality of loan portfolio and customer retention;
  • The revenue for the first six months amounts to 74.3 M USD. The results of Q2 show a 20.5% increase compared to Q1 2023;
  • The net profit stands at 4 M USD, with 2.5 M USD in Q2, representing a remarkable growth of 67% compared to Q1 2023.

As shared by Robocash, here are the other important highlights:

  • In the first half of 2023, the Group exceeded the plan for the total amount of loans issued by 32%. This impressive achievement can be attributed mainly to the outstanding performance of the Group’s services in Kazakhstan;
  • Robocash Group expanded its Buy Now, Pay Later solution UnaCash in the Philippines. It has upgraded its service to offering point-of-sales loans to customers accessible via in-store partner merchants.

In another update from, it was noted that after evaluating their current plans, they decided “to revise the terms of the Loyalty program and make changes to regulate the demand on the platform.”

It is important for them to keep the program, but also “to maintain the business health without introducing additional measures to reduce attraction.”

According to the new conditions, the customers with a portfolio of up to 19 999 euros will get the “Standard” status, which does “not imply an additional bonus.”

The customers with “a balance of 20 000 to 49 999 euros will get the ‘Gold’ status with a +0.5% bonus.” Those with a balance of 50,000 euros and more “will keep their ‘Platinum’ status with a +0.8% bonus.”

You may review the new breakdown, effective August 28.

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