Over €809.57M in Loans Funded by PeerBerry Investors

In 2023, PeerBerry investors funded €809.57 million of loans – 50% more than in 2022.

Last year, PeerBerry investors were reportedly “paid €10.43 million in interest, which is 46% higher than the previous year.”

14,143 new investors joined the platform in 2023 – “on average, 1 179 investors per month.”

At the end of 2023, PeerBerry says it “had 77 614 verified users, over 40% of whom are actively investing daily.”

Since PeerBerry’s inception, investors have “funded over EUR 2.3 billion of loans on the platform and earned over EUR 28.16 million in interest.”

PeerBerry’s portfolio amounted “to €106.78 million at the end of 2023.”

In 2022-2023, PeerBerry business partners Aventus Group and Gofingo Group have, in total, “repaid PeerBerry investors €46.5 million or 92.6% of the total outstanding war-affected obligations.”

Arūnas Lekavičius, the CEO of PeerBerry, said:

“Despite global realities, the year 2023 was very successful for our partners, which ensured further stability on PeerBerry and significant repayments in war-affected loans to our investors. Delisting of Polish loans from the platform made a temporary decrease in the supply of loans, which was expected and is visible in the amount of funded loans in December; however, we see the year 2024 very promising in terms of our further growth – in H1 2024 we plan to onboard at least 10 new lenders to satisfy our investors’ needs. Further stability, diversification and growth, and the full closure of war-affected obligations are our main targets for 2024.”

The demand on the PeerBerry platform is reportedly high, and many investors “may currently face the issue of investing all the funds held in the PeerBerry account.”

To avoid a cash drag, you may “consider investing part of your funds in the EU-level regulated platform Crowdpear (ECSP license holder), represented by our team.”

On the Crowdpear platform, you can “invest in property-backed real estate or business loans (primary mortgage) and earn up to 13% annual interest. Crowdpear offers a Secondary market. The Bank of Lithuania supervises Crowdpear’s activities.”

Crowdpear currently “has 5 498 international investors.”

The platform manages “a portfolio of about EUR 4 million.”

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