Tagged: distributed computing

Pocket Network Is Exceeding Web3 Industry Demand with “Record Number” of Protocol Relays

  Pocket Network, a relay infrastructure middleware protocol that provides abundant blockchain bandwidth from “a globally distributed network of 40k+ full nodes to applications in Web3 across 40+ blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Fuse, Avalanche, and Harmony,” announced its protocol has “processed a record number… Read More

Decentralized Storage and Computing Network Aleph.im to Run Automated Price Reserve for its Token on Kyber Network

Aleph.im, a “decentralized” network that aims to offer secure storage and computing power to decentralized applications (dApps), will be running an Automated Price Reserve for the ALEPH token on Kyber Network, a protocol that facilitates automated, “decentralized,” instant, and low-cost exchanges of Ethereum-based digital assets…. Read More

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