Tagged: eban

ECN Released Joint Declaration on the Capital Markets Union: Speaking with “One Voice”

The European Crowdfunding network (ECN) released a Joint Declaration on the Capital Markets Union, together with seven other significative European federations representing capital market players and SMEs including AFME, EBF, Eurochambres, EBAN, EBN, European Issuers and Business Angels Europe and the European Crowdfunding Network. “Joining forces for the first time with other organizations representing capital market players… Read More

EBAN Helsinki 2014

Join the Europe’s Number 1 Conference for Business Angels! FiBAN and its over 400 private investor members have the great honor to host this upcoming EBAN Winter University event. This is your opportunity to invest in your knowledge and essential networks. International startup investing superstars sharing business angels… Read More

Crowdfunding : Le complément du Business Angel ?

La Finance Participative (“Crowdfunding”) propose actuellement un nouveau modèle d’investissement au grand public et aux investisseurs professionnels. Ce nouveau type d’investissement apporte-t-il une opportunité réelle d’investissement pour les Business Angels ? Quelles sont les synergies avec le crowdfunding pour développer la valorisation des investissements ?… Read More

Crowdfunding Event in Paris to Discuss New Financing Model

Organized by  Loft Solutions, European Business Angel Network (EBAN) and the European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) , La finance participative or “crowdfunding” will be discussed by industry authorities at an event to be held at the Intercontinental, Paris on November 19th.  The gathering is specifically to… Read More

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