You may have heard Peter Sunde‘s name before. He is one of the men behind The Pirate Bay, a peer-to-peer file sharing and torrent web site. He is also a co-founder of Flattr, the pseudo-crowdfunding service where users set a monthly budget that is divvied… Read More
2eCrowdfunding payment service Flattr is no longer welcome when it comes to Twitter, the startup announced this morning. Flattr enables people to donate money to the content that’s freely available online. You set a monthly allowance on Flattr for how much you want to spend per month (say,… Read More
Crowdfunding platform Flattr will now allow people to donate money for content they find on the web using the favorite or like buttons that already exist on many social networks, the company announced today. Basically, that means if your favorite author tweets out a link… Read More
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