Tagged: iohk

Cardano Blockchain Founder Charles Hoskinson Confirms that IOHK has Joined Hyperledger and W3C Initiatives

IOHK (Input/Output Hong Kong), a research and development (R&D) firm focused on bringing innovation via blockchain and cryptocurrencies, has confirmed that it will be joining the Hyperledger initiative and W3C. Hyperledger is an open-source project focused on blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) development. It… Read More

Cardano Reboot: IOHK to Deploy Code Update End of Month

IOHK has announced a “reboot” of Cardano blockchain, according to a release. IOHK was founded by Charles Hoskinson, well-known in the blockchain world as a founder of Ethereum among other things. IOHK describes the update as a transition from the “Byron-era codebase” to the “Shelley… Read More

IOHK, the Software Firm Behind Cardano (ADA), Donates $500,000 to University of Wyoming to Help with Blockchain Research

Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), the main software firm behind the development of Cardano (ADA), one of the largest platforms for deploying decentralized applications in terms of market cap, confirmed on February 14, 2020 that it had donated $500,000 in ADA tokens to support the… Read More

Multi-Billion Dollar Crypto Platform Cardano Now Has Over $195 Million in Staked Digital Currency (ADA) on its Test Network

Cardano (ADA), one of the largest (by market cap) platforms for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps), now has over 5 billion ADA tokens, worth about $195 million, staked on its testnet – reportedly within 24 hours of the launch of Cardano’s testnet. Input Output… Read More

Say Hello to IOHK’s New Cardano Blockchain Tools, Plutus and Marlowe

IOHK, a blockchain research and development company, has introduced two new tools developed for writing smart contracts for use on the Cardano blockchain. Plutus and Marlowe launched in test format at the first (and currently live) PlutusFest conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. These tools aim to enable… Read More

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