Tagged: marianne wildi

Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AG Joins SIX Digital Exchange, Streamlining Digital Asset Services in Switzerland

SDX, the regulated financial market infrastructure for digital assets, welcomes Hypothekarbank Lenzburg as a new member on its Central Securities Depository (CSD). SDX, licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), operates a stock exchange and CSD “using distributed ledger technology (DLT).” With its… Read More

Open Banking: IT Firm Adesso Schwetz and Hypothekarbank Lenzburg to Work on Core Banking Solutions for Swiss Markets

Adesso Schweiz, a consulting and IT services provider, has teamed up with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg in order to further develop and market Open Banking solutions in Switzerland’s capital markets. As noted by the Adessor Schweiz AG team: “For a business to succeed, you need innovative ideas… Read More

Willkommen: Hypothekarbank Lenzburg AG is First Swiss Bank to Provide Crypto Firms Business Accounts

There is an element of irony that Switzerland is one of the most cryptocurrency focused and forward thinking countries in the world, yet it remains a challenge for blockchain based companies to establish a bank account in the Alpine nation. This week, that changed as Hypothekarbank… Read More

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