Tagged: mineko

Overfunding Update! Mineko, Cringle, eatclever & poqit.berlin Hot with Companisto Crowd

Overfunding and still campaigning….The German crowdfunding platform Companisto has four concurrent campaigns overfunding: Mineko, Cringle, eatclever, and poqit.berlin. Many readers may be familiar with the long and windy road involved when utility bills prove incorrect when outrageous sums are supposedly owed.  But what happens when… Read More

Mineko’s Crowdfunding Campaign Surges on Companisto: Profiting from Incorrect Utility Statements

Tenants in Germany receive a utility bill once a year. On average, the costs of water, heat, and garbage disposal make up 25 % of the rent. Consequently, some people also refer to utilities as the “second rent.” Tenants can hardly determine whether or not such… Read More

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