Tagged: robin himmels

Overfunding Update! Mineko, Cringle, eatclever & poqit.berlin Hot with Companisto Crowd

Overfunding and still campaigning….The German crowdfunding platform Companisto has four concurrent campaigns overfunding: Mineko, Cringle, eatclever, and poqit.berlin. Many readers may be familiar with the long and windy road involved when utility bills prove incorrect when outrageous sums are supposedly owed.  But what happens when… Read More

The Crowd Devours Eatclever’s Companisto Food Delivery Crowdfunding Campaign

Companisto has provided a platform for several successful German food startups in the recent past, including MyCouchBox, Naturbursche and Foodist, and it looks as if eatclever will be joining their ranks if the first day of its campaign is an indicator.  In the hours since… Read More

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