Just a month after its launch, Switzerland-based encrypted email service ProtonMail, which says it is “NSA-proof,” has signed up 200,000 users for their service. Not only has its platform has been successful, its crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo has already surpassed its $160,000 goal within three… Read More
Pax Dickinson had a bad week. Dickinson was the CTO of popular news site Business Insider. It turns out that over the years he has amassed a collection of posts on Twitter that some found offensive, and it seems it finally caught up to him… Read More
Classified: The Edward Snowden Story promises to be a dramatic biopic covering the life and times of now-ubiquitous NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and the project is crowdfunding on a custom, WordPress-and-IgnitionDeck-powered crowdfunding solution. “Classified: The Edward Snowden Story” is a biopic that will tell the… Read More
Facebook Employee Dwight Crow (pictured) has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Crowdtilt seeking at least $10,000 to send to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. From the campaign page… We should set a precedent by rewarding this type of extremely courageous behavior. It’s definitely apparent that legal… Read More
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