Tagged: olle lind

Fintech Integration: Budgeting App Buddy Integrates with Plaid to Offer Budget Tracking

Buddy, the budgeting app for Gen Zers with 3M users worldwide, has integrated with Plaid, an open finance service provider, in order “to provide Buddy users with the ability to securely connect their financial accounts and automatically track their spending.” Buddy claims it is “entirely… Read More

Gen Z Budgeting App Buddy, Klarna Kosma to Enable Automatic Budget Tracking

Buddy, which claims to be one of the most popular budgeting apps in the world for Gen Zers and young people, has partnered with Klarna Kosma, Klarna Kosma, Klarna’s financial technology platform for banks, fintechs and innovative retailers, “to allow Buddy users to connect their… Read More

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