Kickstarter For Photographers: Lumu Light Meter For The iPhone

Lumu promises to be the “light meter for the 21st century,” and the light meter for the iPhone is fully funded on Kickstarter.

The campaign page suggests that we live in the golden age of photography, and it’s hard to argue. As high-quality cameras become cheaper and increasingly find their way into the hands of hobbyist photographers, more and more people are learning to take great photos.

Dealing with lighting and setting a camera up correctly for current lighting conditions is always a challenge, but the team behind the Lumu hope to help solve that problem–and help people take great pictures in the process.

Each Lumu consists of 50 parts and plugs into the top of the iPhone, allowing the accompanying iPhone app to make use of the high-tech light meter.

The app enables Lumu to be a truly innovative, different light meter. It is not just about getting your measurement right. Lumu’s app enables our light meter to use all the cool features smartphones already have. By saving it to a cloud you are able to track your progress. Save all the data about the moment you shoot: location, voice record, note, picture, photo parameters, and many more. The app is made to support your creative process, not to stand in your way.

The Lumu team is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. According to the company Kickstarter bio, the core team is comprised of five designers, engineers and photography enthusiasts. Additional support for the project came through the University of Ljubljana, Bright Visuals and others.

$79 early bird units have all been spoken for, but backers can reserve their own Lumu now by making a donation of $99. A special Kickstarter edition is available for $149.

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