Fundly Launches App for iPhone

FundlyFundly, a donation crowdfunding platform, released its mobile app for iOS that makes it easy for fundraisers to manage and run their fundraising campaign straight from their mobile device. The app is available for free in the iTunes store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

The Fundly app focuses on the core fundraising features most applicable to mobile devices, such as inviting mobile contacts, thanking new donors and supporters, and posting image-based updates to their campaign pages.

“This is a whole new way to experience Fundly,” said Dennis Hu, VP of Product at Fundly. “The mobile app is attractive and practical, and provides an even easier way for fundraisers to fundraise-on-the-go.”

“When you launch a Fundly campaign to raise money for something you care about, it’s addicting to see who’s supporting you,” said Dave Boyce, CEO of Fundly.  “Everyone loves to hear good news, why should you have to wait until you’re back at your desk? This app lets your fundraising activities travel with you everywhere.”

Key Features for the iPhone App:

  • Mobile notification of new support or donations
  • Mobile invitations (email & Facebook)
  • Mobile ‘thank you’s’
  • Mobile photo and text updates
  • To-do checklist
  • Everything cross-posted to Facebook & Twitter
  • Real-time synchronized with your web campaign

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